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Re: Wife vs. TR6 Tires (again)

Subject: Re: Wife vs. TR6 Tires (again)
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 16:36:50 EDT
In a message dated 99-08-09 13:35:03 EDT, writes:

<< When
 he lifted these early XVS radials off the car, he noticed how "very heavy"
 they were.
 HIs argument goes like this:  (1) The suspension of the TR6 was designed
 with the original Michelin Redlines in mind, (2) These were significantly
 lighter than the heavy, early Michelin radials that are on my car, and
 therefore (3) I need new, lighter radial tires at the very least---if I'm
 not going to pop for a new set of Redlines.
 I've been putting off paying for an alignment and (on-car) wheel balance.
 Of course, I don't want to spend money on new tires, but then again, I
 don't want to drive around with tires that may prematurely wear out the
 suspension.  How do I avoid being an idiot here?  What is the effect of
 heavier-than-normal tires on the suspension? >>

I'm not a mechanic, and I'm sure whoever your mechanic is, he is bound
to have more automotive knowledge than me. BUT I think he's wrong on a
couple of counts here. First off, tire technology has come a LONG way in the 
past  25 years. Given almost any modern tires you can put on a TR6, if
you drive them near the  limit of their adhesion, you're going to put a lot
more stress on your suspension than you ever could have with any tires
you could have put on the car 25 years ago. I usually sit on my hands every
time the "Michelin redlines are lousy tires" thread starts up. This always 
cracks me up because even though they are lousy tires by our standards now,
25 years ago I tought they were damn good tires and the cornering forces you
can generate with those tires are what your TR6 suspension was designed for.
Compared to this difference, I would think any difference the weight of the 
would make would have to be trivial.
Secondly, I've got a stack of 4 really old Michelin redlines mounted on TR6
wheels out in the garage right now, and they are pretty damn heavy. If you can
weigh one of the wheel/tires your mechanic thinks are too heavy and let us 
know, I'll go weigh one of those and lets see what the difference really is.

Jack McGahey
King of Prussia, PA

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