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Re: US listers: transport costs?

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: US listers: transport costs?
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 18:21:35 -0700
References: <>
Michael Ferguson wrote:

> ....Harris said he had
> used a husband and wife outfit out of the midwest somewhere that traveled
> back and forth coast to coast with stops along the way as necessary. Open
> trailer as I recall.

Sounds like the couple I used to haul two cars from California to Indiana about 
years ago.  She did all the loading ( not for the faint of heart when it's a
stick-shift and you're loading the top deck).  Her name was -- I'm not kidding 
Mary Smith.  Should be a cinch finding her.

The paperwork shows a signature "Mary E. Smith", a van number "6509-1530" and a
driver number of "C42753".  A local jobber might be able to decode this and have
a phone number.

Can't say what it cost as it was a"company" move, but they did a first-rate job.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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