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RE: TRanny/diff work.

To: "'Randall Young'" <>
Subject: RE: TRanny/diff work.
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 13:15:13 +0100
Cc: Triumph List <>
interesting idea, to make it even cheaper we could adapt j type od's from
the saloons or volvo 244's.

> ----------
> From:         Randall Young[]
> Reply To:     Randall Young
> Sent:         Friday, July 30, 1999 5:35 PM
> To:   'Gernot Vonhoegen'
> Cc:   Triumph List
> Subject:      RE: TRanny/diff work.
> Gernot :
> I agree, it's unbelievable, but it really is true : a working OD is worth 
> more than a parts car in the US.  In fact, I've bought 2 parts cars just
> to 
> get the OD !
> I see several reasons : OD never was as popular in the US as the UK.  Even
> the US cars that offered it as an option are almost never found with it, 
> and most didn't offer it, due to the mass dis-interest.  Probably
> something 
> to do with petrol prices (OD got a lot more common after our 'gas crisis' 
> back in '74).  Of course, OD on LBCs also added a lot of complexity to
> cars 
> that were unreliable to begin with.
> Since LBCs in general were pretty rare (compared to US cars), and the OD 
> trannys were even rarer, most junk yards (breakers) don't recognize them
> as 
> being special.  And since most junk yards don't keep the cars forever, I'm
> afraid many of them were recycled into beer cans.
> New repair parts are also quite expensive, when they are available at all.
> ($130 for a lousy solenoid !)
> Now, it seems everyone with a LBC wants an OD in it, so we squabble and 
> fight over the few units left.  Demand is high, supply is low, prices go
> up 
> (and up, and up ...).
> What we really need is for some enterprising soul to collect up a whole 
> container-load of A and J type ODs in the UK, ship them to the US, and
> then 
> go into the business of manufacturing mainshafts (pure unobtainium) to fit
> them to LBCs.
> Any takers ?
> Randall
> On Friday, July 30, 1999 6:20 AM, Gernot Vonhoegen 
> [] wrote:
> >
> > you folks sound unbelievable (in the sense that I can't really get it.
> > You talk about parts cars for 300-400$$, and then you flog od trannys
> for
> > lots of bucks.
> > Situation here is the other way round. I get an od tranny for say 150?? 
> but
> > have to pay say at least 1000?? for a parts car. Sounds to me this is
> the

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