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Mine's Alive Too!

To: TR Newsgroup <>
Subject: Mine's Alive Too!
From: Gary & Priscilla Klein <>
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 13:51:20 -0400
Successfull Day!

After nearly 3 years of absence for the local Maryland roads, I took the
TR6 out for a short spin this morning.  I'd finished rebuilding and
covering the driver's seat yesterday and installed it last evening in
anticipation of a short run today.  So with only one seat installed,
passenger floor carpets still in their bags and no bonnet, I went for a
short 6 mile or so jaunt on the back roads in the area.  The air
temperature was already over 90 degrees at 11:00AM and the sun was
shining brightly.  It was hot out but no matter, I had to do it.

I kept the speed under 40 MPH; temperature was normal; oil pressure at
about 65lbs at while at 40; and the alternator supplying proper
voltage.  There was temptation to "open" it up but the engine has only
about 30 minutes on a total rebuild so we'll go easy on it for awhile.
Everything ran just fine but the time went by much too quickly.

Today had to be the day as the family and I are off to England for
holiday tomorrow.  While there, we will be staying one night in John
Macarthy's villiage between destinations and we plan to visit the BMH
museum.  I hope to meet John, too, and see his new (old) saloon.  I'd
like to have gone to the TRF Summerfest this month but the trip won out
this year.  Maybe next year.

So while I don't usually post much to this group, but I do read every
digest, I'll catch up on any reply's and the "running" threads when I
get back.  Hope all you folks that made it to VTR has a great time.
Also hope I can do it sometime too.

'75 TR6 Undergoing Remanufacture
And Almost Finished!

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