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Putting my TR6 back on the road :)

Subject: Putting my TR6 back on the road :)
From: Douglas Shook <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:17:42 -0700
Hi all,

I've been away a long time, and I'll apologize in advance for asking
questions that probably have been asked a million times before, but
over the next couple weeks, I am diving back into my TR6 to get it
back on the road after a long "sabbatical." If I do ask a question
that has been beat to death, and you would prefer to send private
email rather than bombard the group with tired old info, I would
appreciate that also.

It is a red '74 that I have rebuilt the front and rear suspension,
rear hubs, new springs, repaired the differential to chassis mounts,
rebuilt distributor, rebuilt alternator, etc., but due to work
commitments, and rebuild projects for my motorcycles, I have done no
work on it in a couple years. I will be putting in a rebuilt
transmission and new clutch this week and try to get it ready for smog

My first question is what is the collective wisdom on sun discolored
plastic windows.  The top is in very good shape, but the rear window
is discolored from the sun.  Is there anyway to rejuvenate it or is it
a lost cause?

Thanks in advance and I look forward to talking with you more over the
next few weeks.



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