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Re: VTR or TR Register International

To:, Brad Kahler <>
Subject: Re: VTR or TR Register International
From: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:59:38 +0200
Hi everybody ,
Who is going, not to the VTR Convention,but to the TR Register 
International Weekend taking place this year at Malvern in 
Worcestershire in U.K. on 31st july to 1st aug.
Over 2000 TR members are expected, most of them with their car 
and this year will be the celebration of 30 years TR6.The event is 
also hosting the world's biggest and best TR trade show with 
almost every spare parts trader from U.K. present.
Most members will camp on the showground and you can imagine 
the atmosphere of such a campsite with hunderds of TR's parked 
between the tents.This is not" Best Western or Ramadan" but it's 
pure fun, it' s by the way the one and only time a year I put up a 
tent and it's worth it. I will be travelling with a 40 car strong dutch 
group, crossing the chanel from Rotterdam to Harwich on board of 
the fastest car-ferry in service the Stena Discovery a 400 ft 
Catamaran with a speed of 40kts.
It goes without saying that TR fans from most european countries 
will attend and I hope to meet some TR nuts from this list.
Sorry my American friends to miss the show, but on the other hand 
the VTR Convention as far as I saw from reports must also be a 
great happening,hope to visit it some day in the future.                
To the TR fans from this side of the pool I say"  SEE YOU IN 
Jean R from Belgium
70 TR6 PI

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