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Re: Charging a stale battery

To: Malcolm Walker <>
Subject: Re: Charging a stale battery
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 11:30:11 -0400 ()
Cc: "Amatruda, Andy" <>, "''" <>
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Malcolm Walker wrote:

> If you can, open up the cells and take a look inside.  If the cells have a
> signifigant amount of electrolyte (ACID!) missing, you'll need to either
> add electrolyte or add (distilled, clean) water.

Not that there are that many batteries nowadays that one can refill as
needed, but isn't it very much a NO-NO to add electrolyte (acid) to a
battery that already has anything in it? Isn't that supposed to be VERY
DANGEROUS? Or am I misremembering something?


I know it's (relatively) safe to add water to the electrolyte.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <>    *
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