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Re: plugs, wires, suppressors...

To: Jack Brooks <>
Subject: Re: plugs, wires, suppressors...
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 10:33:01 -0400 ()
Cc: "TR-Lillja, Chris" <>, Triumph List <>
On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Jack Brooks wrote:

> BTW - I can confirm you comments about solid copper core wires.  I use them
> in my TR3, as well as my Norton motorcycle. (Try it Chris, your Norton will
> love you for it.) Although I haven't noticed anything when driving the
> Triumph (maybe because the sheet metal acts as a shield) I recall seeing
> people fiddle with their radios when I pulled up next to them when riding
> the Norton.  It was always good for a laugh, as my ignition and solid copper
> plug wires were screwing up THEIR radios.  ;-)

Way back when, I used to use the Lucas "bumblebee" ignition leads on both
my TR3A and GT6+. In each case I paired them with genuine Lucas
"suppressor" spark plug ends, p/n 78106 I think (don't quote me on that,
though, but I'll get the correct number if anyone wants it). These spark
plug ends were a very nice hard black plastic, right-angle terminal.
Paired with the yellow-and-black wire, they gave a wonderful "period"
look, they worked very well, and interference at least with my own radio
in the GT6+ (a genuine Genser-Forman-approved and-provided Bendix radio)
was nil.

But I did always use Champion L87Y's in the TR3A, (of course, the last
time I drove that car --1975 [wow, has it been THAT long? Yes!], platinum
plugs weren't readily available) and AC 44XLS plugs in the GT6+.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <>    *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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