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RE: Water Pump failure

Subject: RE: Water Pump failure
From: Alan Crane <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 08:41:56 -0400
You are lucky that it worked out so easily.  It happened to my TR4A
twice.  Some of us take a while to understand.  My problem was that the
generator pulley was not perfectly aligned with the crankshaft and water
pump pulleys, putting a twist on the weakest element, which is the
waterpump shaft.  No problem since I fixed the alignment. You might want
to check to make sure your break isn't going to happen again.

Alan Crane

Driving along on Saturday when there was a nasty clanking noise - Water
pulley sheared!! - On hanger lane for those of you familiar eith the NCR in

Now for the best bit - managed to get to Finchley where my parents live,
the car and go to th TR shop in Chiswick, 58 UKP later, a new pump!! - Now
anly everything was that easy!


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