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Re. battery acid

Subject: Re. battery acid
From: John Summers <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 23:14:43 -0400
Organization: home
Thanks to all who replied to my question about the overflowing battery. 
Yes, I have used the baking soda clean-up technique twice but I guess my
question should have read more like how do I really fix the damage after
the clean up.
Roger G. Bolick wrote to inform me that he has Exide Gel Cell batteries
in all his TR 6s.  I'm gonna look into that battery (deep) as he said it
cures the overflow problem.  Guess its kinda hard for a gel to come out
of a sealed battery.  I wonder how long they last.  Here in Florida it
seems like you can't get more than a couple of years out of a battery.
Anyway, like I said earlier, its a tight squeeze between the engine and
firewall,,,any clues on how to clean and re-paint the firewall?  I've
poured the soda water mixture down the wall, but the paint (a previous
cover up by a previous owner) has bubbled and peeled exposing metal and
where the soda water has hit it's got a white powdery residue.  I
vacumed what I could get to and cleaned it again, but unless I can get
it painted (in a serious way) I'm S.O.L.  
I keep telling people the car will be around longer than I will.  Maybe
it and I will rust away together in about 30 years.

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