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TR's Vs, TR's...

To: <>
Subject: TR's Vs, TR's...
From: "Shawn Loseke" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 99 8:20:12 -0600
 I have to pipe in here to defend my beloved TR6 here as well. I have never 
driven a TR4, nor have I had any real desire to. For me, the love affair 
with the TR6 stretches nearly 18 years (to when I was ten years old). What 
do I like about the TR6? The styling is what first created the sparkle in 
my eye and made me dream of owning one. Once I had one, I fell in love with 
the sound of the engine. An attribute that the Triumph six cylinder is 
revered for in all of it's applications. And, why I refuse to put any type 
of radio in the car. The smoothness of the power delivery. And the grace it 
exhibits on the curvy canyon roads. I'm sure TR4 owners could say the same 
things of their cars though.
        That being said, I also must say that I have a profound respect for 
all of the preceding TR models (2-5/250). For without them, I would not 
have my TR6. As stated before on this list, all TR's have a great amount of 
character. Each model has it's own +'s and -'s. Starting a pissing contest 
about which one is better is a little ridiculous for an all Triumph 
enthusiast list. I believe the question that started it all was about which 
one is better.  When looking to buy one, pick one you are happy with. After 
all, you will be the one driving it. Not the rest of us. 
   That way, instead of TR6 drivers lining up against an opposing line of 
TR4 drivers, we can all be happy with our individual choices.
    Now I'm going to get off my Soapbax, go out to my TR6 and go for a 
cruise. Enjoying the sweet sound of my six cylinder from the moment it 
starts to the moment I switch it off. Anyone is welcome to come along.

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