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Re: Intermiitent Power Loss

To: Neil Castle <>
Subject: Re: Intermiitent Power Loss
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:31:04 -0500
Cc: Triumphs <>,
Organization: Vintage Sporting Cars
References: <Pine.LNX.4.00.9906181410130.26184-100000@ecstasy.localnet>
Neil, I have no experience with the engine, but would look for restriction in
the fuel system, in the tank at the pickup or in the rubber lines connecting
to the pump.  You might diagnose by plumbing a fuel pressure gauge into the
line at the carbs and running it into the cockpit where you can check it when
the problem occurs.  Be careful, as you don't want a broken connection to
spray fuel in the car.  John

Neil Castle wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I am new to this list. I have a Dolomite 1500HL (same as Spit 1500 engine)
> with twin SU4 Carbs. The car suffers from intermittent power loss. It
> seems like there is fuel startvation of some sort or air is being sucked
> in. The following has been tried:
>         - clean fuel pipes
>         - clean and adjsut carbs
>         - renew air filters
>         - renew and refit manifold gaskets
>         - renew carb breather hoses
>         - overhaul and refit fuel pump
>         - check and clean fuel filler cap breather
> Each one of these seems to cure the problem for a time then it returns.
> Usually the problem cuts in after running about five or six miles, or
> sometimes not at all. It seems to be worse on hot days, but that may just
> be my imagination!
> When this happens, the car runs fine up to about 3,500 revs and then there
> is no increase in power up to 4,000. The car won't run above 4,000 what
> ever the load conditions. When the car is running OK, it will run at 60mph
> with engine doing about 3,800 revs (on the flat) quite smoothly.
> There are other problems to be sorted out, but until this one is cured it
> is impossible to start sorting other tuning matters. Any suggestions would
> be appreciated.
> Neil Castle
> Berkshire, UK
> Herald 12/50
> Dolomite 1500HL Automatic

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