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Re: Brighter bulbs for stop/turn/tail lights

Subject: Re: Brighter bulbs for stop/turn/tail lights
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:40:43 -0600
Organization: Barely enough
References: <> wrote:

>  Also, a number of these bulbs were listed as long life.  Does this mean
> they consume more power or are not as bright?

Typically, long life bulbs use slightly less power, and may not be quite
as bright.
> With all the people around me in traffic that run yellow and even red, I
> want them to be aware that I am stopping when the light changes!

There are a couple of considerations to significantly changing the
candlepower of the installed bulbs. More light means more heat--unless
the sockets are designed for that heat, they may not last as long or
their rate of corrosion may increase. Additional heat may also not be
advisable with some lenses. Since some are plastic, enough heat will
melt them. 

A brief story in this regard--one midwestern transit agency insisted on
installing 32 candlepower bulbs in all their hazard flashers.  The
hazard lights were metal with metal guards and glass lenses. By law,
when the wheelchair lift is operational, the hazards must be on--in the
time it might take to pick up just a couple of passengers with the lift,
the hazard light lenses got hot enough to give second-degree burns. (!) 


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