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break in oil

To: "Triumph list" <>
Subject: break in oil
From: "Dave Terrick" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:18:22 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
O listers  (the VW bus list gets to call themselves "volks" or "loafers" -
we gotta come up with something better  than "listers")

I have done some work for a club member with an early TR6 amounting to a
complete engine rebuild (ie everything new).  While I have not followed this
instruction in the past, my machinist was adament that I use a lightweight
oil ("lightest I can find, like a 5/30") to do the running in (50 miles and
the 20 minute cam thing, etc) as it will pressurize faster, flow faster in
the motor, and have greater chances of washing away the inevitable "gunk"
leftover after the assembly lube has done it's job.

The owner has shown signs of cheapness in other areas of the progress, ie no
new rad hoses, etc.  Whether due to financial problems or lack of trust I'm
not sure, but I'd like as many direct opinions prior to Friday 4:00  as
possible.  He has been off work with a fractured right arm for the past
three weeks and could not drive the car even if he wanted to, yet seems to
want the car to run immediately.  I just want the job to be over.

1.  What of the break in oil vs 20/50?  Personal experience, machinist

2.  I feel it is my right to refuse to fill and run the motor until the
owner spends a whopping $10 on a jug of oil.  This project has been going on
since 1995 (big gaps, admittedly) and always the delays have been
financially related.  This guy makes more money that I do and it pisses me
off that he doesn't budget better!  Am I being pedantic and self centered,
or would you all do the same thing?  I've about had it with this guy and his
aproach, and sure don't want to jeopardize the work I've done so far.  I
also do not want to be jaded by events that have occured in the past.  I
should also note that if the situation requires it, I may show him some of
your comments backing up my position.

Thanks in advance

Dave Terrick

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