Just did that. Depends of course what size of facet you want to fit. If its
any of the square ones, you can get it squeezed just above the lh shocker,
which is just about the only location you can use without fitting much more
fuel line, drilling holes in the floor where you can see them(i.e. the boot)
are able to drill in the first place etc... of course you could drill into
the chassis, but for some reason I can't see anyone wanting that. If you fit
round ones, this location is no use and you have to reroute fuel lines, but
then you can use the (assuming your car is lhd) non exhausted side of the
HTH, Gernot
SuperFlex Polybushes
> ----------
> From: Steve Chandler[SMTP:steve@obagy.com]
> Reply To: Steve Chandler
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 4:09 PM
> To: triumphs
> Subject: Electric fuel pump for a TR6
> Hi all,
> I am about to fit an electric fuel pump (facet) to my 6, and I am
> wondering if anyone
> has any advice about the placement of the pump. I have made 2
> assumptions, it should
> be a close to the tank as possible and that it should not be inside the
> car.
> I would appreciate any input on suggestions or problems doing this.
> thanks
> steve
> --
> Steve Chandler - Chandler O'Bagy - steve@obagy.com