Brad Kahler said:
> At anything above idle speed the engine will randomly sputter and
> sometimes pop or I guess you could call it a cough or hesitation. This
> happens when the car is stopped or moving.
Hi Brad-
I'm no pro but the lowest day of my TR6's life went something like your
story, though it ended at the busiest intersection in Cambridge MA right
in front of Harvard U including a busted hood release cable, a tow truck
and a very expensive mechanic blah blah waaah. Identical symptoms. First
and last time I used a mechanic on this car.
Anyways, consider the condition of your gas tank. At the end of the day
after everything else was tried, that was my problem-sediment and rust
settled over the screen on the tank choking off the fuel flow. Sounds
like you car was sitting unused for a while and this could be your
problem. Open up your used fuel filter and see whats in it. Install a
clear plastic filter, stir up the tank and run the engine and then look
in the filter for gunk. How to fix a rusted tank is in the archives
The rest of the story: I replaced the tank with an aluminum tank.
Someday, that may be all that remains in the pile of rust. :-0
Keith Ehrlich
ps-I also installed a backup hood release cable....