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Re: VTR Convention and Procrastination

To: Scions of Stanpart <>
Subject: Re: VTR Convention and Procrastination
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 10:33:25 -0400 (EDT)
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 wrote:

> It seems that VTR is adrift in a miasma, i.e. publication late, sloppy 
> registration of new members and re-newals of same, failure to acknowledge of 
> your existence and so on.  Maybe the staff is worn out?  I hope not, they 
> have worked their asses of over the years, BUT if they are looking for a 
> break I am sure there are volunteers that would step forward to carry the  
> Standards.

No, the VTR staff isn't worn out -- yet! :-) As for _The Vintage Triumph_ 
not making its "quarterly" publication schedule, you're right. We are 
working on ways to get back on schedule. I would, though, point out that, 
while we are not happy when publication falls behind schedule, it does 
not have any particular effect on membership. Each membership is 
ostensibly for one year, but it is actually keyed to receipt of four 
issues of TVT.

I would take issue with "sloppy registration of new members and re-newals
of same..." To my knowledge, our "success rate" with new member and
renewal processing must be well over 99%. Naturally, no one complains that
"my membership was processed in only two weeks; that's much too quick!";
we only hear from those whose memberships are "delayed" for various

I would point out that it can take 4-8 weeks for a new membership or 
renewal sent to our Michigan mail drop to be processed. We maintain one 
postal mailing address for all corresponence. Mail is redistributed from 
that point, usually on a weekly basis. As with everyone else involved 
with VTR, our Membership Secretary is a "volunteer" position, not a paid 
one. Again, barring family emergencies or health problems (which we all 
face from time to time), Membership Secretary Bill Lynn processes 
memberships fairly quickly.

One other problem sometimes faced by the Membership Secretary is a change 
of address that is not sent to us. Within the U.S., the magazine mailings 
are a special rate and cannot be forwarded the way first class mail is 
forwarded. So, if a member moves and does not notify VTR of his/her new 
address, the magazine will not arrive. Since renewal notices are mailed 
with those magazines, those renewal notices will not arrive, either.

As for "...failure to acknowledge of your existence and so on," if I knew 
to what that referred, I would be happy to look into it. For members, the 
names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses (where available) of 
the Entire National Board -- officers, managers, advisors and vehicle 
consultants -- are listed in each and every issue of TVT. But none of us 
can do anything if we are not contacted. :-)

We're not perfect. I think we do fairly well for an all-volunteer 
organization. We can do better, no question about it. We always can use 
constructive criticism, suggestions, and offers of help. The only thing 
we don't do all that well is read minds. We do need people to actually 
contact us via letter, e-mail or phone, and, in fairness, we do need a 
reasonable amount of time to deal with problems that arise. Again, we're 
all-volunteer, so we do the best we can while also taking care of our own 
families, jobs, homes, etc.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <>    *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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