>I saw you John,
>I thought there would have been a few responses by now.
>You look as if you could still shift a few from the showroom.
>Peter Gillis
>63 TR4
Hi, Peter
There have been one or two off-list posts. I suspect those that did see the
prog are still recoiling in horror and terminal shock !! Towards the end of
the shoot day with a -5C windchill, lumps of ice in my veins and premature
rigormortis, I think I might have shifted a few coffins - with me occupying
one of them!
Apart from the last prog and my participation, I thought it was a good
series. I hope C4 get to sell it in the overseas markets because it looked
at Classic Cars in an entirely new way and I'm sure our friends around the
globe would enjoy it as much as I did.