My 69 is exempt from emissions testing, but I was curious about the
readings, so I paid the guy $10.00 to do it in training mode. No reports to
the state (BTW Georgia). It seems that had I been required to be tested I
would have passed, but I am not sure what some of the numbers mean. I
browsed through Bentley's looking for the CO numbers, but all its says is to
make them normal without ever telling what normal is. Anyway, here are the
results, comments desired.
2500 RPM 950 RPM
Reading Allowed Reading Allowed
HC-ppm 75 600 299 600
CO% 2.44 6.00 .47 6.00
CO+CO2% 15.7 6.00(min) 14.1 6.00(min)
Of other interest was that the database did not have TR6 as a 6 cylinder, it
insisted it was a 4 cyl.
So what should CO be and what do the others mean?
Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum 69-TR6#CC28754L W4UCK