I read your most recent post that you're passing on the AZ TR3....and I read
Fred's advice (vafred). Not that I'm any expert but I concur with your
decision! I am about to head off on a 100 mile drive to visit the owner of a
'61 TR3A who is asking $16K.
It is, by photos, gorgeous. But, to me, the most important part of the
experience....which I hope turns positive at a much better price....thanks to
coaching from folks like Fred and my Triumph Club that the
seller has owned the car since 1962 and has lived with every facet of pain
and joy during restoration and seems to be willing to show me everything he
has - papers, photos, etc. I also have an offer from a respected TR expert
to look the car over for me.
I've been looking since September (more seriously now that my new garage is
finished). I just can't warm up to owners who aren't open about their cars.
I've not scheduled visits after screening ads just based on what you've
encountered - sort of a bad attitude. It's understandable that some owners
may be upset with selling what was a member of the family but I don't think
that arrogance ever makes for a good buyer/seller relationship.
Good luck - I'm hoping to be on the list tomorrow with an agreement in hand
and stars in my head!
Chip Krout