FWIW, I work for a major retailer ( home improvement type ), probably
safe to say the largest in the US, and we can't get generators either.
It is partly due to the hurricanes that swept through Puerto Rico last
fall, partly due to Y2K, partly due to a major problem with Briggs and
Stratton engines.
We get 100 generators for the entire Atlanta area every month and have to
split them between 25 stores. You do the math.
Don't be too hard on Harbor, they are probably caught up in the same mess
as we are. I think it would be safe to say that we are somewhat bigger
than they, and if we can't get them, I can only guess what they are
being told.
If you find a generator you want, jump on it, at least that is what I am
telling my customers. We have been told by our suppliers that we would
have enough to be back in business by January 99 then it was February,
then March...now it is June before we will be back to full operation.
Hugh R. McAleer
Jonesboro, GA