I have a few thoughts about this issue.
1. In my experience, TRF does not assess a minimum shipping charge when they
ship backordered items. This policy appears to be limited to the first
shipment from a particular order. So if you placed a large order that
included Spitfire snaps and the snaps were backordered, they would not
charge you $5.00 shipping when the snaps are eventually mailed to you.
Moral? Don't place an order for just one tiny part. If you do, then expect
to pay five bucks for shipping. I see nothing unfair about this.
2. Dropping a small item in an envelope and mailing it requires that an
employee take time away from his assigned duties. This means that for the
ten minutes it takes to provide this special processing, an employee is not
packing orders, or pulling parts, or unloading the truckload of parts that
has my backorders on it, or answering the phone to take my order.
3. If Dave H. told you that this is their policy, then you may be assured
that this is the case. If Charles wanted Dave to take time away from the
order phone to pack an o-ring and address it to you, then Dave would do
that. Apparently, Charles decided that keeping the phones staffed at the
expense of special order expediting is in the best interests of TRF's
customers. I must agree.
1954 TR2 TS2571L