> called in an order to TRF..needed a few of those black snaps on the
> door of my spit......
> 50 cents each!!! i ordered a few......understanding that
> the have to feed their families too......
> so i get get the "package" in the mail...a little manila bubble
> mailer with my snaps...........
> cost 65 cents to what do you think the "shipping charge"
> was? 5.00 !! hO HO HO..
> YOU WOULD THINK THAT they could at least charge something close to
> the actual cost.....
> oh business will go to spitbits, Moss, NW Briish parts...or
> others....if thats the"TRF policies" they much for customer
> oriented!!....
> oh yes the snaps do look like they will fit..
Yeah, they all charge a minimum shipping charge, but TRF had to backorder two
parts, but shipped them free, for a total of three shipments with only one
shipping charge. They lost money on those parts as they cost only a few dollars
each. So, it all averages out. It's amazing how expensive it is to ship stuff
these days. I sent an old generator to Fred Thomas and it cost $16!