rtriplett@bjservices.com wrote:
> From: Bob Sykes <
> >It was written:
> >[R.T.]
> > > ...A capacitor stores an electrical charge, a coil doesn't.
> >
> >The energy delivered to the spark plug can be stored in either
> >an inductor or a capacitor. Although the inductive storage
> >method is the more common approach, both are used.
> Bob thanks, I appreciate your backing me up on this, as I was flamed pretty
> good.
This is a subject that has always seems to generate a certain amount of
mystery. I'm just tryin to clarify/de-mistify. If you have data to
back up your assertions then please provide it. I have asked Bob for
his and will be able to verify what he is saying. I will verify if no
cap makes the car run poorly (as I suspect it will). But that will not
prove your statement that it is due to the coil still collapsing by
itself. Another reader (I think it was Randall) suggested that there is
a loss of energy when the points are arcing, a certainty in terms of
heat and radio waves.
My only real question at this time is this, assuming you have current
flow in the coil, will its initial decay be faster being in series a
capacitor or with an open circuit (assume no arcing), or does it
matter? Anyone?