Michael L. Coop wrote:
> Listers - I'm really depending upon your expertise to help me solve my brake
> problem before I totally lose my mind. Over the years, I've done dozens of
> brake jobs, but you wouldn't believe me judging by the poor results I've
> produced on this one.
> I've not been able to get pressure in the brake system since installing the
> following parts:
> New front calipers; New Rear Cylinders; Rebuilt Master (from a reputable
> firm); New Braided Stainless Steel Brake Hoses. I'm using conventional
> DOT4 fluid.
> The only unusual thing about my brake system is that I've removed the
> shuttle from the PDWA because the shuttle assembly and sleeves were not
> rebuildable. (And I don't want to spend $200 for a new PDWA.)
> I have bled enough fluid through the system to completely fill two Spitfire
> brake systems and can not get more than a little bit of pressure. The
> master cylinder has been properly bench bled.
> At first, I thought I had received a bad rebuilt master cylinder. However,
> the vendor was kind enough to send me another one. Same results. They
> then sent me a third one. Same results.
> Its hard for me to believe that I would get three bad rebuilt master
> cylinders from a reputable firm.
> Any ideas?
> Mike Coop
> Michael Coop Agency, Inc.
You need to fit the shuttle in the PDWA. Without it, you are creating a loop
fluid to flow from one side of the master to the other. Either replace the
shuttle or
drill, tap and fit a plug into the center of the PDWA. That will solve your
Brian Schlorff '61 TR-4 '64 TR-4 '72 TR-6 '79 Spit
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