There is, I've been working at a scrappy who dismantles them and scraps
alloy, brass and steel independently (recycling I think thats called) and
there is the one or odd brass bit in there, dpending on the make, obviously
fraud doesn't have any brass bits but thewn fraud is not exactly known for
good boxes.
> ----------
> From: Tony Rhodes[]
> Reply To: Tony Rhodes
> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 1999 3:26 PM
> To: Fred Thomas; Triumph List
> Subject: Re: OD lubricant.
> Message text written by Fred Thomas
> >Tony, I have no idea where they got their info, but, they state it does
> not hurt brass,
> give a call to "Uncle Dave" tech info director for complete verifacation.
> <
> Ok, as long as GL-5 does not CAUSE damage I am happy. Modern gear oil may
> well
> be too slippery for synchros and the OD clutch to work properly. This is
> much more
> understandable. I just could not understand why the manufacturer would
> allow it
> to attack brass. I figure there must be some brass in modern
> transmissions
> somewhere!
> -Tony