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Re: Oil Spill Removal

To: <>
Subject: Re: Oil Spill Removal
From: "Kenneth Pelzel" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 21:24:20 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "TR" <>
The best solution I have found for oil leaks, whether the little drops that
have dried over time in one spot, or the huge spill you caused when you
bumped the drain pan with your elbow, is cat litter. And the best kind to
use is the cheapest - no color, no scent, no "clumping". Apply it over the
spill so that it is just covered. Then with your oldest, rattiest shoes on
do a rendition of "the twist" in the litter. I recommend Chubby Checker, but
you can select your own. What you want to do is grind the litter into the
oil. You will find the spot is gone very quickly. Wait! Don't just sweep up
the litter and pitch it. Just sweep it over to the next spot(s) and twist
more aggressively. Keep re-using it until it is either ground into a
too-fine powder or has absorbed so much oil it is black. I find it does a
super job, embarrasses my wife, and amuses the neighbors. No chemicals!
Little expense! Don't throw your knees or butt out though. Oh, by the way,
while it will still work, I'd refrain from applying used litter!
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Terrick <>
To: Joe Curry <>; George Hahn <>
Cc: TR <>
Date: Sunday, February 21, 1999 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Oil Spill Removal

>Trj Sodium Phosphate (T.S.P) is one of the nastiest grease removers known
>man.  Often only a tbsp per gallon is needed for wall washing, etc.
>In high concentrations it is designed for such duties as floor grease.  Wet
>down with the main mix, then slop some crystals straight on.  An hour with
>the occasional scrubbing will get enough of the grease out that you can
>paint over it.
>Either Simple Green or Castrol Superclean (better yet) are my next 2
>Dave T
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joe Curry <>
>To: George Hahn <>
>Cc: TR <>
>Date: February 21, 1999 12:49 PM
>Subject: Re: Oil Spill Removal
>>George Hahn wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >  I have three spots of fossilized oil on my garage floor...
>>> Simple Green is the product I've had the best results with.
>>"Simple Green is People"   No wait, that's Soilent Green.... Oh never
>>"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
>> -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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