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Re: Pale yellow paint code

To: "Musson, Carl" <>, TR <>
Subject: Re: Pale yellow paint code
From: George Hahn <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 15:09:18 -0700
References: <>
Musson, Carl wrote:
> That's interesting.  Does anyone have their Piggott book at hand (TR2/3...)
> He gives the color for the yellow...

Got the book out, but this thread's been so long my weak mind can't
remember what TR we're talkin about.  Anyway, he gives "colours" for the
TR3A from approximately TS 37000 as including a Pale Yellow, replacing
the prior Primrose Yellow.

For all TR2 & 3 colours he provides numbers for various mfgs EXCEPT for
Pale Yellow -- it's "Not found in records"!

For the 4s (from CT 28807) thru 6s there was:

        34 Jasmine Yellow
        54 Safron Yellow
        64 Mimosa Yellow
        84 Topaz Yellow
        94 Inca Yellow

What, no "Mellow Yellow" or "Old Yeller Yellow"? :)

This, I fear, is not much help.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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