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Re: Rad Question

To: Mark Milotay <>
Subject: Re: Rad Question
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:25:59 -0500
Cc: TR List <>
Mark Milotay writes:

>Hi Guys,
>I replaced the thermostat on my Spit on the weekend, and now the
>temperature guage quickly climbs up towards the danger zone (w/in minutes
>of starting). I know that one of the tests for a failed rad is to check
>see if the top is warm and the bottom is still cool. What I am wondering
>how long should the car run for this test to be valid? I want to make sure
>that the rad is really dead before having to replace it.
>Mark and his Hot Spit

Does the needle move to very close to the hot zone and stay there?  It is
possible that the temperature is OK but the gauge is reading high which
would be the voltage stabilizer (not the voltage regulator).

If you have a radiator problem it would be due to a blockage and the
temperature would not quickly rise to a high value and level off.  It
would either rise slowly of continue to rise at the same rate as before.

Also what temperature is your thermostat?

Good luck

Dave Massey
St. Louis, MO USA
57 TR3
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