On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, David Hill wrote:
> My '72 2.5 PI's o/d (Type J) is full of 20/50 multigrade.
> I started using this becuase 2nd. gear was very baulky when cold-it's a lot
> easier now.
> The oil has been in about a year now and there have been no problems.
> I used this oil because it was successful in my MGB GT (same o/d) and in
> both my manual Scimitars.
Aha, a scimmy driver! I hope this story doesn't bore you too much...
My friend Chris who graduated last year was all set to buy a fiat Uno
turbo after the aforementioned departure from Uni. In fact for two years
(that i knew him here) that's all he ever talked about. As you might
have guessed I'm of the Old car persuasion and i said don't get a crappy
new car get a classic. to cut a long story short I showed him my
girlfriends dad's scimitar, he went and drove one and then bought one!
now he's trying to persuade me to get one and stop thinking about
getting another spitfire.....If they weren't closed cars then I'd
probably have agreed already! okay there are convertibles but not that I
can afford!
tra for now, Johnny