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White Spirit

To: "Triumph" <>
Subject: White Spirit
From: "Peter French" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 22:42:23 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Tomislav Marincic wrote:-

<        Listerati,

 <       Thanks to all who replied to my query. The responses were evenly
<split between white gas and mineral spirit, so perhaps it's not so critical
<that it be exactly right.

 <       To listers in the UK: what do you guys do with "White Spirit"
<(besides thinnning Waxoyl): do you put it in camp stoves or do you clean
<painbrushes with it?

That's an easy one, we clean paintbrushes with it. I find it funny that we
can describe virtually any aspect of our cars with no great difficulty but
there is suddenly an impenetrable  language barrier with a common household
fluid! By the way I never add white spirit to Waxoyl, it is far easier to
heat it up to make it thinner for spraying. It also means that it drips less
as it dries off.

Peter French
Bedfordshire, UK.

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