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Re: "White Spirit" - What is it?

Subject: Re: "White Spirit" - What is it?
From: John Gillis <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:21:30 +0000
>Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:18:02 +0000
>To: "jonmac" <>
>From: John Gillis <>
>Subject: Re: "White Spirit" - What is it?
>>>        I'm Waxoyling a TR250 frame here in the U.S.A., and the
>>>instructions on the can call for thinning the Waxoyl with "White spirit".
>>>Does anyone know what that is in American English? I know "Methylated
>>>Spirit" is what we call "Denatured Alcohol", but I can't find "White
>>>Spirit" in any of the usual glossaries of British vs. American usage.
>>>        What do you folks in the UK use "White Spirit" for, other than
>>>thinning Waxoyl?
>       Official name is "Stoddard Solvent". Phone any of the bigger
>chemical suppliers and they will give you a "local" term. As Jonmac said
>Waxoyl is great stuff bu in tests it was a long way behind Dinatrol Wax.

John Gillis
1954 TR2 TS3618. October 1954 (ground up)
1964 Triumph 3TA 350cc (a little gem)
Trinity College

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