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TR3A Frame Question

To: Triumph Mailinglist <>
Subject: TR3A Frame Question
From: Jack McCarrick <>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 05:32:04 -0500
On the front of the TR3A frame there is a roughly 3/4 inch diameter tube
that the hand crank guide braces attach to.  On this frame there appears
to have been a small bracket mounted on that tube centered between those
hand crank related mounts.  All that is left on this frame are parallel
weld marks in the center.  Anyone know what the brackets purpose is?
Should I be concerned about reconstructing that mounting point.  This
car has too many things to correct ($$) for me to try to assemble it for
any type of show at this point. It's best immediate hope of survival is
as a driver/cruiser.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Jack McCarrick

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