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RE: TR 256

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: TR 256
From: "Hutmacher, Greg" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 11:40:12 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "'Triumphs List'" <>
Just off the top of my head, I would think it would be a straightforward
swap.  The TR250, first off, already had the TR6 engine, so clearance
shouldn't be an issue.  I would not use TR4 panels just in case there may
have been a slight change in sheetmetal between the TR4 and the 250 to
accommodate the 6 cylinder engine.  My understanding from reading my TR250/6
history is that Karmann was required to use the existing TR250 inner body
tub and chassis when he designed the TR6.  The only changes to sheetmetal he
was allowed was the front clip and rear clip.  Therefore, I would guess that
the TR250 front clip would attach perfectly to the TR6 tub and frame.
Anybody know anything different?  That car would certainly be an attention
getter at Triumph meets.  Whatever else you can say about it, it would be
unique.  :-)

        From: []
        Sent:  Thursday, February 04, 1999 8:28 AM
        Subject:  TR 256

        I'd like to know if anyone out there has done something like this.  

        I've been thinking about putting the front clip from a TR4/250 onto
a TR6 frame.
         It would be a TR6 from the firewall back and a TR4/250 from the
doors and
        firewall forward.  Anyone ever seen this done or have any ideas on
        modifications would be needed or considerations that I should look
at?  What
        measurements should I make to take into account things like, the
TR4/250 bonnet
        has a curve to it versus the flatter TR6 bonnet, and might not fit
over the long
        6 cylinder engine?  (Would a small V8 be a better fit for the
TR4/250 bonnet?)

         Comments? Suggestions (sorry, my wife has already claimed the "have
your head
        examined" suggestion)? Ideas? Experiences?

        My apologies to any that might be offended by my lack of purism, but
I really
        like the looks of the front of the TR4/250 and the rear of the TR6
and I figure
        I'd be salvaging two TRs at once.

        Thanks in advance
        Bud 71TR6 CC57365
               71TR6 CC65446 (into a TR256 ?)

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