Welcome back TeriAnn. I'm one of those old-timers and remember you on the
web a number of years ago. We talked about my daughter going to University
of Southern California @ Santa Cruz.
We did visit the area and my fondest memory was acutally finding British Wire
TeriAnn Wakeman wrote:
> Hi Everyone!
> I have been off the Triumph mail list for a couple of years and have just
> signed back up.
> I thought I would write a short intro for those of you who have joined
> the list since I left and just say Hi to the "old timers"
> My name is TeriAnn Jennifer Wakeman (TJW not TAW). I live near Santa
> Cruz, California.
> I'm an off and on member of Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club.
> I own two cars. My old car is a 1960 Land Rover 109 that I've owned
> since 1978. My new car is a 1961 Triumph TR3A (TS75519L) that I've owned
> since 1986.
> I joined the original British car mail list back in late '86 or early '87
> when the list had less than 25 members and the group was unnamed.
> Regarding the name. Someone suggested Sons of Lucas (SOL). I countered
> with the name Daughters of Lucas and Scions of Lucas became the
> compromise name for the members of the mail group.
> In early 1989 I took my yet unnamed TR3 off the road for a few months to
> spruce it up. I planned to rebuild the engine, front suspension and
> install a new interior. Well as I removed parts from my car (which was
> freshly painted just before I purchased her) I discovered additional
> problems. It seemed a new problem appeared each time I took a part off.
> A member of the original mail list first coined the term "Ship fitter's
> disease" to describe my reaction to the problems I found.
> When the Triumph mail list split off from the original British car list,
> I was one of the charter members of the new list.
> During my rebuild I renamed my car "The once and Future TR3" As it turns
> out the dreaded previous owner wire brushed the rust then bondoed and
> painted over it. I finally reached the point where I decided to take all
> the paint off and discovered the second rustiest TR3 I had ever seen.
> When I was hunting for a TR I passed up TR3s with less rust thinking they
> were best off scrapped for the very few usable parts remaining.
> Rebuilding the car has been a trail and I have left off to do other
> things for periods of time when the work got too overwhelming. I lost
> interest about two years ago and even unsubscribed from this list. But
> even then I occasionally would do a little something.
> 10 years from when I decided to take the car off the road for a few
> months I started bringing her back onto the road and shaking out the
> rebuild bugs.
> It was interesting taking her out after driving the Land Rover for so
> long. The Land Rover accelerates 0 to 60 same day. Assuming no major
> head winds of uphill sections. The TR3 accelerates 0 to 60 same minute.
> Since I could no longer call her the Once and future TR3 I have renamed
> he in honor of this experience. I now call her "The Pocket Rocket".
> I'm still ringing out the bugs and have a few parts left to install but
> she looks like a car and goes like "a bat outa hell" I'll have to add a
> section to my web site describing the engine.
> So anyway, Hi everyone!
> TeriAnn Wakeman Border to Border
> Santa Cruz, California Expedition Society
> twakeman@cruzers.com "Live the adventure"
> http://www.cruzers.com/~twakeman http://www.bordertoborder.com