I'm getting pangs reading about all the great drives -- even though I'm
in south Fla. Here's a tip for all you listers up north - - since all
your LBC's are tucked away for the winter, try reading "Blue Highways - A
Jouney Into America" by William Least Heat Moon. Truly one of the great
"road" books, one that will really get you primed for spring and summer
to arrive. I couldn't put it down.
Phil Bacon, 72 TR6
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:50:19 -0700 George Hahn <geohahn@azstarnet.com>
>Byron N. Brashears wrote:
>> I want to get my 79 TR7 in good enough condition to do a tour in the
>> June - August time frame around the US
>> Any Ideas?
>There are 2 books I've found especially useful in finding and enjoying
>some two lane scenic drives:
>National Geographic's "Scenic Highways and Byways" has maybe a hundred
>or so scenic drives with detailed descriptions and the sort of photos
>you'd expect from National Geographic.
>Moon Travel Handbooks' "Road Trip USA (Cross-Country Adventures on
>America's Two-Lane Highways)" covers the routes and sights of the old
>federal highways with the insight and odd-ball attractions typical of
>the state-specific Moon Guides.
>Wish I could recommend my neighborhood, but southern Arizona is
>not the place to be in a TR7 in June, July or August.
>Geo Hahn
>59 TR3A