The problem with the link is that it wraps onto 2 lines in the email message
and only the address information in the first line appears as a hyperlink.
If you look at the next line you'll see "Ind.html" ...... type that in at
the end of the address and it works just fine.
Bob Danielson
75 TR6 - Status at
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 1999 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: SU on the web
> Hi Craig,
> You're the second person to say so, but it's working for me. Be sure
> that no spaces are inserted between the "Information_" at the end of
> the first line and the "Ind.html" of the second line, and it should be
> OK. I copied it directly from the address field in Netscape and pasted
> it into email so I wouldn't make any typos, but the address is too
> long to fit on one line in email so it got broken up.
> Hope it works; I think it will.
> Regards,
> Jim
>Hi Jim
>The link doesn't seem to work. Is it written correctly?
> wrote:
>> Here's a site that seems useful for those of us with H-series SU
>> carbs:
>> Ind.html
>> Hope this is useful for someone........
>> Regards,
>> Jim Wallace
>> H6 3a