>Can you grab the throttle shaft and wiggle it? It sure sounds like you are
>in need of new throttle shaft bushings.
>Another test is to squirt WD 40 on the carb body where the shaft hole
enters. >If it speeds up, you have worn shafts.
Dave, M, and all,
Please never never never use fish oil on British carbs. This product will
dry up and clog up the linkages. I actually had a couple of warranty
exchanges as a result of this product.
I used Berrymans carb cleaner for this leak test once, and caught the engine
on fire. Now i use Ether *Quick Start" (for diesel cars). This stuff is
even more flammable, but it is sooo hot, that it evaporates quickly and does
not leave a residue for the fire very long.
Why not just pack some thick grease into the ends of the shaft and see if
the car runs better? This will accomplish the same thing.
"WD-40"-Put it in the tackle box, not the tool box!-Scott Bruning
The source for 100% remanufactured councourse quality SU carbs!
ZTherapy Video Productions Datsun Z Convertibles+GTO Tops
Website is devoted to the Hitachi SU and British SU carb
Click on the video links for related Tech info
zcarzar@micron.net 2945 Kennedy St, Mtn Home, ID 83647 Visa/MC/AMEX