Boy, if you think you've got toys...
I was delivering mail on my route today when I heard a "whump, whump, whump"
creep up from behind. The kind of noise only a fully blown chevy motor can
put out. What comes whipping around me but a bright yellow TR7! It pulls
into the carport next to where I'm delivering and I get out of my vehicle
and walk over and say, "That doesn't sound like a four cylinder." The guy
introduces himself as Dave and shows me what's under the hood. A bored out
short block chevy V-8! If you took the air filter off, it would completely
fit under the hood. But he put a black scoop on the hood to accomodate it.
What a great job. Anyway, he says what I really want to see is in the
garage around the corner. We go around and in this guy's garage is a
Formula Atlantic indy type race car in the process of being rebuilt for a
race. At about this time, I've run out of drool. This guy races the pro and
am circuits. Scrounging enough money to keep in competition. He gave me a
web site which he said has pics of both his TR7 and the Formula Atlantic
car but I can't seem to make it work:
I'll go back and talk to him next week. Hell, I might bring a camera.