The number on the price tags are:
136754 SKU = 0036881078982
136754 SKU = 0036881078845
I am not sure which is red and which is blue. My local store had 2 red and
6 blue last Thursday.
TR4A CT57505L
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Anthony Gordon
Sent: Friday, January 01, 1999 6:52 PM
Subject: Ertl TR6 model info.
Sorry to bug the list, but Santa didn't bring me the ToysRus Ertl TR6 high
on my wish list ... I tried ToysRus today but as mentioned a while back,
they ain't really helpful ... but if I have the SKU, they might (just
might!) see if they can find one at another store. Can some kind soul more
forunate than me help out with the info?
Many thanks, Tony Gordon
1972 TR6