In a message dated 1/1/99 6:24:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,
<< Listers, just finished wiring my new work shed, my question is for the
piping for the air compressor, is plastic pipe O/K or do I need metal, if
so, should it be galvanized or the black pipe ?? The run is going to be
rather long for attempting to keep all the water out, 1 in line filter &
1 filter/regulator, total up & down configuration is about 20 feet. As
usual you advice is valued. >>
I'm no expert, but this is an ongoing argument on another list I'm on (antique
farm tractors)... the upshot of it is that as PVC ages it gets brittle and
someday, while it's under 100 lbs pressure, you'll bump against it and it'll
shatter, sending shards all over the shop. It might take 10 or 15 years and
you might have already sold the house and moved, but someone might get hurt
anyway. I just use rubber hose, clamped along the rafters to a rollup hose
rig and water separator. It's cheap, safe and easy to install. Otherwise,
I'd use black pipe and leave the PVC for others.
Don Marshall