My suggestion is (like I did) find an auto parts store that has rebuilt
generators/alternators/starters with lifetime warranties. Then if yours
goes bad, you just swap it for another rebuilt one. That saves much
wear and tear on the pocketbook.
Joe Curry
Jerry Costanzo wrote:
> I am on my second installation of a NAPA rebuilt Lucas generator for my
> TR3A. Everything on the car is new, it was totally rebuilt 2500miles ago
> but seems to have a bad taste for generators. Someone suggested that a
> rebuilt just means that they got it working, it does not mean it will last
> like new. Any suggestions to check in the car? The control box is new
> also.
> Jerry Costanzo
> 1960 TR3A
"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
-- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer