I ran across a letter from Sports and Classics, 512 Boston Post Road,
Darien, CT 06820 dated July 1, 1993. It was sent to me as an officer of the
Western Pennsylvania Triumph Association and addressed the problem of ill
fitting stone guards that we TR3 owners have put up with for many years.
They had a solution: use theirs. I did and was very pleased to find that
they are different, so much so that I left the set I'd purchased elsewhere
in their carton and used Sports and Classics'.
They were not a perfect out-of-the-box fit and required some fiddling to get
right; but once in place they are the closest thing to original that I've
seen. I have virtually no metal working skills, so it could not have taken
much to get them right!
So if you're looking for stoneguards for you 2 or 3, try these. Obviously
there is more than one manufacturer making them. At the time, they were
$49.95 per set.
And if you'd like to buy the set I put aside, they're still where I put them
3 years ago, brand new and untouched: $25.
Ed Woods