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Re: The Day After Xmas [was: Merry X-mas and Happy New Year}

To: jonmac <>
Subject: Re: The Day After Xmas [was: Merry X-mas and Happy New Year}
From: Tom Strange <>
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 12:12:49 -0800
Cc: "R. A. \"Conn\" Woodward" <>, Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Spitfires List <Spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Classic Autosports Ltd
References: <>
  Caught us again, & just when we thought we had a secret weapon.

jonmac wrote:

> > > We have suffered through a 37 degree (Centigrade) christmas day
> here in
> > > Melbourne (the hottest x-mas since 1952) and now the coldest
> Boxing Day
> > > (don't know if anybody else calls the day after X-mas that, but
> we
> > > Australians do!) for a similar period (11 degrees C and raining)!
> >
> > In Canada they do, maybe GB as well, I'm not sure.
> Here in the UK on Boxing Day, we're heading for a mega storm - rain
> and wind coming in from the Atlantic. Popular opinion is it's North
> American flatulence from having overeaten yesterday
> John Mac

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