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Re: season greets and HPs

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: season greets and HPs
From: (G. Wiederholl)
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:01:25 +0100
References: <>
Arthur H. Smith schrieb:
> have a good holliday season all.
> Whoaaaa........ wait a minute, I was just reading the formula for HP vrs
> top end speed.
> The speedo in my GT6 says 130 max and in my Jag its 140 max so to find ou=
> t
> the horse power I have to go some where nearly twice the max speed limit,=
> excuse me but while I may be a bit strange I'm not bloody stupid. There h=
> as
> to be a more legal and safe way.
Sure there is. Pull your engine and bring it to someone who has a dyno. Bolt 
exhaust of your car on it and have it tested. Itīs very legal and save. 

I didnīt suggest that anyone should do a top speed run on a public road in the 
USA. This is a world list! But Iīm sure if you really want you can find a legal 
way for top speed driving even in the USA.

> And besides that. at a high rate of speed how accurate is the speedo. 

I didnīt suggest to use the speedometer. There are more accurate ways to 
measure the top speed. Just think a little (no, itīs not the cops).

> ed
> in MPH is =3D to
> ((the circumference of the tires in inches divided by  transmission ratio=
>  X
> differential ratio) X  the RPM X 60) divided by 63360.
>   At high rates of speed the tires grow in diameter increasing the
> circumference. =
> HOW MUCH??? you say, I have no idea but the amount will create an
> insignificant speed change. a 1 inch increase in diameter equals a 4%
> increase so I guess it really don't matter......

You should measure the speed from outside the car. Then it really 
doesnīt matter.

> What you need is an accelerometer to measure the work the engine is doing=
> as it accelerates the car and work back wards.

Great idea. Tell us more details. Where can we borrow an exact enough 
accelerometer, how is the measure procedure done and how do you calculate the 
HPs then? Can this also be done in 10 minutes and how accurate are the results.

However the posted formula doesnīt work for a GT 6 or a Jaguar. And my 
was  to show a practicable way to get knowlege of the real HPs of a TR 6 
Itīs OK if you only see problems. I just said how it can be done and Iīm sure 
some listers can use it. 

Have nice christmas days

Gerhard Wiederholl

CC 31998 LO

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