This summer, after several years of struggling with fouling plugs, I finally
applied my Kepner-Tregoe analytic troubleshooting skills to the problem and
decided the following:
a) The plugs I was using were too hot, and,
b) The engine was running too cool
To this end, I replaced the Autolite plugs recommended in the Autolite plug
book with the Champion L92Y (or its latest equivalent), as recommended by
TRF and Moss Motors, and I also replaced my 180 degF thermostat with a 195
degF stat. What a difference! No more fouling, good heater performance,
and no problem with the car attaining operating temperature quickly. Today,
in Wisconsin, it is 11 degF outside, so I thought I'd fire up the beast just
to see if it would run in this weather (it never has before). After several
cranks, it fired up, and I took it for a drive. It ran fine, got up to
temperature, the heater kept the cockpit nice and cosy, and it ran perfectly
with the choke fully off. Wow! Maybe I have created a daily driver!