Not much LBC driving of anykind right now. Last night the low at my house
was -22 Fahrenheit. I know it is even colder north of here. My dad lives
north of Jackson Hole Wyoming and was seeing lows close to -40. I parked
the TR6 Friday afternoon. The temp was about 15 degrees and it started
snowing heavily 20 minutes after I shut the garage door. We are supposed to
break into the 30's on Christmas day though. I might just go for a spin
before I take off to the Grandparents house.
Shawn Loseke
Sunny, but oh so cold, Fort Collins CO
Original Text
From: "Frank Crowe" <>, on 12/22/98 11:44 AM:
No topless LBC's here! Brrrrrr....
OK - I give! I'm not claiming to be driving around in my TR3 lately.
It has been cold here - set a new record low yesterday in Santa Barbara,
28 degrees! High was only about 52. I'm afraid our banana trees,
charimoias and avocados have all been nipped a bit.
Shawn in Colorado - looking at your weather, I bet you haven't been
driving around much lately either!
Frank, in the 'burbs of Santa Barbara, "Riveria of the Pacific."