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Speedvision and old triumph films

To: "Triumphs List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, "Spitfires List" <Spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Speedvision and old triumph films
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 19:59:02 -0000
Listen guys

I've got no financiual interest in this at all but I'll be happy to
act as an order carrier for you if there's a demand.

At Gaydon, we have a number of videos from the film archive available
for sale. We run all of them every day in the cinema on Umatic gear
but they're also on normal cassettes. I'll post the Triumph titles
tomorrow. The only prob is that they are only available in PAL format
and AFAIK, the US and Canada run on NTSC.

They firm which makes the videos for us is willing and able to make
versions in NTSC but they have to have a rock bottom minimum of 25
copies of each title before they'll proceed. A very approximate price
is about US$35 incl P&P - but I'll check that out tomorrow, subject
to the response. My proposal, is if someone on the list wants to act
as an 'order consolidator' - I'll be happy to receive a fax at my
home and then take it to Gaydon. Whoever wants to do this just needs
to give me a list (via fax) of the relevant names, addresses, CC
numbers and film titles required. Is there a need for this? Let me
know by breakfast time Sunday - about 03.00 hours Eastern time on Dec
20(?) and I'll start asking pertinent questions.

John Mac

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