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Re: Other Uses for LBCs

Subject: Re: Other Uses for LBCs
From: Brian Kemp <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 23:39:09 -0800
Cc: Triumph list <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>
I've seen several kinds of hitches on the TR4/6.  It's pretty simple to put a
bracket between the two frame rails.  Some also tie into the cross bar at the
spare tire hold down bolt.

I saw a Mercedes convertible with a hang glider.  It had a trailer hitch front
and rear with T shaped supports at each end of the car holding the hanglider
parts horizontally about 5 feet above the ground.  If you intend to put the
top up and down, that will probably be the determining factor for the height.
If you have a roll bar, you could use it as the front support for shorter
things and a vertical "T" coming up from a hitch to support the back.

Brian Kemp
72 TR6 wrote:

> Since everyone is going off on a tangent, I'll do the same... just wonder
> if anyone in the group is into windsurfing, and has been able to haul a
> sailboard.  Even high wind shortboards are over 8 feet long and I haven't
> figured out how to carry one in my TR3.  Not to mention booms, masts (even
> two piece ones are 7 feet long), and sails. I was thinking of a small
> trailer.   Has anyone put a trailer hitch on their 3? Just wondering.
> Richard Triplett
> 62 TR3A
> 78 Spit

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