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Re: shared interests [longish offtopic]

To: "Philip E. Barnes" <>, Reed Mideke <>
Subject: Re: shared interests [longish offtopic]
From: "Shawn Loseke" <SLoseke@vines.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 98 11:48:38 -0700
Cc: Tom Gentry <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Actually the carbs on those Z's should be Hitachi's. Now, if you say that
they look an awful lot like SU's, then you would be correct. And if you
tried swapping parts from these carbs with SU's or something of that
nature. You should find that they fit and are interchangeable. So, they are
Hitachi's copied from SU's and manufactured under license from SU.
Therefore, technically they are SU's, but would be listed as Hitachi's in
all of the advertising and technical data. You can also find them on the
Datsun Roadsters of the late sixties, both the 1600 and 2000's.

Shawn Loseke
Triumph Owner- former Z-car owner.
Original Text
From: "Reed Mideke" <>, on 12/17/98 11:32 AM:
I agree. Actually, cycling IS a triumph topic... As long
as it's triumph cycles we're talking about. And photographing
Truimphs is a worthy pastime. And a good bottle of homebrew
helps after a long day under the car.

Seriously though, the occasional off topic post is fine by
me, especially if it's entertaining. Screaming matches
about ideological differences aren't, and they're not
even going to change the opinions of any of the participants.

So to make a counter proposal, shall we start a discussion
of abortion, the death penalty, school prayer, the war on drugs ....
NO! We have important things to discuss, like what kind of oil
to use in your dashpots, and the exact formula for BRG.

BTW, my friends 240Z I'm driving these days (while the spit gets further
engine swap heresy) came equipped with dual SUs. Not sure what variety.
Does anyone know of a web site which describes the care and feeding o
these carbs ?

And finally, I see a fair number of Zs (mostly later, but some early)
in the junk yards around here, so that might be source of SU carbs for
various TRs. Some volvos used them too.

"Philip E. Barnes" wrote:
> "I also happen to be interested in bicycling, photography and home
> Shall we have a discussion on those topics as well?"
> Absolutely! I had Olympic cycling aspirations in high school before
> arthritis took my knees, I majored in photographic science in college,
> have been known to whip up a fair batch of wheat beer on occasion. What
> shall we talk about first?
Reed Mideke                              

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